Dylan Shearer is getting on a plane! And going to New York! And playing some shows! Our man, Dylan Shearer is gonna be in the Big Apple this weekend playing the We Listen For You CMJ showcase at the Rockwood Music Hall. The show’s this Saturday and starts at 12 – a seriously perfect chance to catch an afternoon drink. And it’s FREE. RSVP HERE.
The very next day, Shearer will make the trip out to Long Island City to play at the Resobox gallery. You can escape the CMJ madness and check out that event HERE.
Saturday, October 20: We Listen For You CMJ Showcase – Houndmouth, Port St. Willow, ARMS (acoustic set), Dylan Shearer, Conveyor (acoustic set) @ Rockwood Music Hall, Manhattan
Sunday, October 21: Dylan Shearer, Paradise Club, Wage Workers @ Resobox, Long Island City
Thus ends Dylan Shearer’s 2012 New York adventure, but his journey continues next Tuesday right here in sunny (for now) San Francisco. He will be playing the final night of Tim Cohen’s residency at Amnesia. Dylan ought to be pretty wiped by then, so come through, bring him some coffee, then stay for the DOPE show.
Tuesday, October 23: Tim Cohen, Dylan Shearer, Jessica Pratt @ Amnesia, SF